
    Contest and Logging Software
    World Map


btns.gif (17027 bytes)
Other Screens

Normal Logging Screen
Off Hours
CW Practice
Contest Results
Memo Pad

Country Browse
The browse at the right will let you search for any prefix and display the location information for that country. You can edit the information from this screen or import the data from a spread sheet. There is a file named ZONE.CSV that comes with AIO that makes it easy to change, edit and add new Prefixes. When you retrieve a prefix a red dot will appear on the world map at the location defined by its longitude and latitude. You can simply browse through the data base using the navigation buttons.

Contact Display
The world map shown below serves multiple functions. As you move the mouse around the map the display at the top of the map will instantly change to reflect the information of the location under the cursor. If you click the left button on the mouse the system will do a search to find the closest prefix in that location, display a red dot and list the prefixes that are in that entity.  During or after a contest you can click the "Show Contacts" button and the system will search the log and display all of the contacts that you have made so far. You can choose to display the countries name, ITU zone, CQ zone, or the band that was used to make the contact. If you wish you can tell the system to turn your antenna or change to the correct beverage antenna when you click on the map. The system will transfer the bearing of the location to the antenna control and initiate the command. If you click on the name of the contact the dialog popup shown will display, giving you more information about the contact.

Spot Display
If you click on the show spots button the system will search the DX spot log and display the spots in the order defined by the sort checkbox.
You can filter the display by clicking on one of the band checkboxes. If you click on the callsign the system can move your antenna to the bearing of the spot, change the frequency of the rig to match the spot frequency, and enter the call in the contest log so that you are ready to make the contact.

Gray Line
If you click on the "Gray Line" button the gray line for that time of day will be displayed. Later, if you clck the button again the line will move to match the time of day. Also, notice that the cursor is pointing to longitude -82 and latitude 40 and that the "Time at my Sunrise/Set" indicates that sunrise is at 07:04 local time. As you move the cursor the display will indicate the time at that location when it is sunrise at your location.

Gray Line Set
If you click on the "Set" button you can change the date and time used to display the gray line. It will also change the date used for the Sunrise/Set display.



Country Browse

country.jpg (25907 bytes)

World Map Contact Display

world.jpg (158328 bytes)

World Map Spot Display

wspot.jpg (183484 bytes)
