
    Contest and Logging Software
    Log Screens


btns.gif (17027 bytes)
Other Screens

Normal Logging Screen
Off Hours
CW Practice
Contest Results
Memo Pad


AIO handles everyday logging as well as contest logging. The first screen on the right is the main logging screen. Once you tab out of the call field the system will first look in your log to see if you have talked to this contact before. If there is a previous contact the information  will be retrieved including the memo information. You can instantly see when you last made contact and also what information was exchanged. If no previous contact was found the system will query the QRZ db (if installed) and retrieve the necessary information. The date, time, RST, mode, and band are filled in from the default screen and the GMT time.

The Memo Pad is linked to the log so that you can make notes about the exchange. You can also use the text box at the bottom of the screen for sending CW. The system will send CW as you type or will send the complete sentence once you've typed it in and clicked on "Send Text".

The Log Browse serves a couple of purposes. It can be used to search for contacts by call or by name. Once the contact is displayed the information can be easily edited. To retrieve a contact to the log screen you simply double click on the appropriate entry or click the continue button. The screen is also used to help manage your QSL card distribution. As you make contacts the system will flag the entry for a QSL if you have the check box checked. You can then query the log to display all contacts that are marked to receive a QSL card. If everything looks OK you would then run the appropriate report to print out the labels to be applied to the QSL cards. Once they are printed you would click the button name "Marked all flagged QSL's as sent".

The last screen on the right is the CW practice tab. With this screen you can practice CW by having the system send you random characters in groups of five letters or retrieve a text file that would be sent to you by the system. The text box at the bottom is used to copy the code. The text box at the top can be set to visible or invisible so that you can see what is being sent or not. The slide controls on the right of the screen are used to set the speed, tone, and separation of the CW.


logging screen

log.jpg (71312 bytes)

Log Memo Pad

log1.jpg (54193 bytes)

Log Browse

log3.jpg (73455 bytes)

CW Practice Screen

log2.jpg (62597 bytes)